Every week our Altar Guild prepares our sanctuary for Sunday Worship.
The Altar Guild is a group of women and men at Bethel who show honor to God by taking care of the sanctuary, which is our worship space, and preparing for weekly worship. Each week the members of the Altar guild cleans, decorates, sets up for communion and baptisms, and order flowers to grace our altar. They also set up for weddings and funerals as needed.
Our beautiful sanctuary looks the way it does because of their continued dedication week after week.
Our Altar guild also helps with the Christmas and Easter Decorations. They decorate the church for Christmas and provide the poinsettias and they also get the church ready for Easter Sunday with Easter lilies decorating our cross.
Another job of Altar Guild is preparation of funerals. They assist with the set up of the Sanctuary for a funeral.
Altar Guild is always open for more helping hands. If you would like to help with a holiday event, funeral or a weekly Sunday setup, please call the office at
303-364-2245 or email church@bethelaurora.org