President’s Letter for August 2023
Busy month, our Fellowship Hall will be open on Thursdays through the summer for those who need a cool place to gather. Please leave the swamp cooler on low with the water running until we remove it in the fall. This keeps everything relatively cool.
Some of the various upcoming events church committees are planning as follows:
- August 12 – Worship and fellowship time in the evening. S’Mores following.
- September 10 – Potluck for Mila’s last day. Will be looking for a gift for her departure.
- September 15 – Ice Cream Social, Silent Auction, and Movie Night to benefit Casey Howshar. Kathy will get a Thrivent Action Team Card for this.
- October 28 – Trunk or Treat
- November 11 – Church Family Reunion – Inviting all old members back.
We are in need of volunteers to help with these upcoming events and minding the Fellowship Hall on Thursday afternoons—if you are willing to help, please contact Laura Thompson at 303-671-0615.
Throughout the summer we have plans to repair outside vinyl window stripping, fix peeling exterior textured finish on outside walls, do upkeep on the Memorial garden, address the fountain that has not worked in years, and other projects that have been neglected as well. The carpet inside the church that is wrinkled cannot be stretched and a safety problem that has been discussed. Asbestos tiles under this carpet are currently not a hazard. But removing the carpet becomes a problem that we are not currently prepared for. We are looking into this some more. Call or text me if you are interested in helping out in any capacity.
Better chairs for the fellowship hall are being discussed. But with the above discussion chairs are slipping to a lower priority and is still a work in progress as to how to fund them and which type of chair we want.
Thank you,
Jeff Grawe,
SLT President
Closing bank statement for June:
Ending June balance: $72,876.99
Offerings IN: $16,211.37
Money OUT: $32,033.06
Difference: negative $15,821.69
The negative spending in June is largely tied to plumbing repairs to church and parsonage, sealing basement windows, and all around upkeep cost to maintain the church.
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